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Conferentie 2de generatie in Israël van 5 - 8 november 2017

vereniging 23 juli 2017

Voor de 29ste keer wordt het congres van The World Federation of Jewish Child Survivors of the Holocaust gehouden.
Nu voor de 3de keer in Israël.

Heb je belangstelling, lees dan bijgaande informatie.

The 29th Annual World Fecleration of Jewish Child Survivors and Descendants will be at the Dan Hotel on Mount Scopris in Jerusalem, Israel, November 5-8, 2017.

Once again, the WFJCSHD will team with GSI {Generations of the Shoah International) and KTA (Kindertransport Association) as well as the Israeli group YESH (Children and Orphan Holocaust Survivors in lsrael).

The conference will include trips to the Knesset, Yad Vashem, and an optional opportunity to have a Bar
or Bat Mitzvah at the Kotel. The Bar/Bat Mitzvah cerenmony will take place on Wednesday, November 8, at 11 AM after the close of the conference. It is only open to the first 100 people who register.

For further information, contact [email protected],

or check the following website:

Extra informatie te vinden op bovengenoemde site:

Conference registration will be $375 (USD) for those who register before June 1st. We must book at least 50 rooms by that time in order to fulfill our contract. Registrations between June 1 and September 1 will cost $400 (USD), and registrations after September 1 will be $425 (USD). Registration will close on October 15.

We invite you to attend this amazing opportunity to attend workshops, panel presentations, schmoozing, and enjoying the company of friends old and new.

Please note that you will be required to fill out a Conference registration form online if you are doing payment by credit card. If you would like to fill out the registration form on paper, and mail it with payment by check, you may Click Here to download the Registration Forms. Please fill out and mail with your check to:

c/o Susan Dubin
2160 Twin Falls Drive
Henderson, NV 89044 USA

Forms may also be scanned and sent by email to [email protected]. Checks must still be sent to the above address. Payment can be made by credit card through PayPal but it is not necessary to register for PayPal in order to pay for the conference.

Hotel reservations are being handled through IGT Travel. They have negotiated arrangements with the hotel and all hotel room reservations need to be made through their online portal at If you would like WFJCSHD to make your reservation through the online site for you, you will need to fill out page 5 in the registration form.

Single occupancy is $178 per night and double occupancy is $198 per night. A $100 (USD) per person deposit will be charged at time of registration with complete payment to be made by October 15. Room rates are applicable for 3 days prior and 3 days after the conference. A 2.9% fee will be charged for all credit card payments. Israeli citizens will be charged a 17% VAT. All deposits are refundable up until October 15.

Questions? Contact Susan Dubin at 01-818-606-0793 or [email protected].